Public input is a critical component to the creation of a plan that reflects the community's vision for our future. It will shape the goals and action items that will aid us in achieving our collective vision.
Input received throughout the planning process is listed below.
Public Input Meeting Results

In July and August 2024, Planning staff held four community meetings across Forsyth County to allow residents an opportunity to review and comment on the draft plan. Residents were also able to comment via an online comment box through this website. In total, 42 people participated in the meetings.
​Click here to review the submitted comments .

In March 2024, Planning staff held five community meetings across Forsyth County. During each meeting, attendees had the opportunity to answer a series of questions related to land use and growth management using dots and Post-It Notes. In total, 86 people participated in the meetings.
Click here to review the results of the public meetings.
Click here to review written comments submitted during the meetings.

In October and November, Planning staff held 11 community meetings across Forsyth County. At each meeting, staff presented an overview of the planning process and community members had an opportunity to participate in an interactive activity containing dot and Post-It Note exercises. These exercises allowed staff to obtain more detailed community input on specific aspects of housing, economic development, livability, and access/mobility. In total, 144 people participated in the meetings.
Click here to review the results of the public meetings.
Click here to review written comments submitted during the meetings.
Survey Results

Between April and November, community members had the opportunity to provide their input through an online survey. The survey contained questions related to community priorities, strengths, challenges, concerns, and preferred methods to address various topic areas.
There were 2,935 survey participants. Click here to review the final survey results.
Over 4,000 written comments were submitted through the survey. Click here to review the comments.
(Please be aware that staff has not altered any of the language used in the comments beyond removing "N/A" or "None" responses.)
Stakeholder, Public Boards, and Events Input

Over the summer of 2023, Planning staff held 9 meetings with 8 different stakeholder groups to gather their input on important issues facing our community and their vision for the future.
Click here to review the comments received during these meetings.

Planning staff attended meetings of local government boards and commissions during the summer of 2023 to gather input from appointed members.
Click here to review the comments received during these meetings.

Planning staff participated in community events between fall 2022 and fall 2023 to gather initial public comments and market the planning process.
Click here to review the comments received during these events.